Atom Primitif/Oeratoom, artwork by Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves inaugurated in Louvain

The big bang is ours! This is how KU[N]ST Leuven announces the new city artwork 'AtomPrimitif / Oeratoom'. It is a work by Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves that was inaugurated on Friday 28 January 2022.
'Atom Primitif / Oeratoom' is a tribute to Professor Georges Lemaître and his big-bang theory in which he showed that the big bang initiated a long and slow process.
The design by Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves artistically translates this reality and at the same time responds to the patrons desire for a work that spreads throughout the city.
It has become a work of art in the form of an exploratory journey.
80 white bronze medallions represent well-known galaxies and, depending on their distance from the earth, can be found in the streetscape of Leuven.
The project was supervised for de Nieuwe opdrachtgevers/the New patrons by Louise Goegebeur and Julie Goossens.
"Atom Primitif / Oeratoom'" is an initiative of the city of Leuven and KU Leuven, in collaboration with vzw de Nieuwe opdrachtgevers / the New patrons and a group of patrons, committed citizens of Leuven.
The project is part of KNAL! City Festival of the Big Bang that closes its doors on January 30, but with 'Atom Primitif / Oeratoom' will have a permanent presence in Leuven.